Natural Fertility for the Over 40’s

Natural Fertility For the Over 40s

A Guide to Clear Up the Confusion

This e-book contains practical, powerful, no-nonsense advice, targeted at women over 40 who wish to get pregnant naturally. Particularly those women who’ve been told they’re too old to conceive naturally. I was told by the experts I categorically wouldn’t get pregnant because of my age and I did, twice following the advice in this book.

Because I’m here to tell you that, if you give it time, you probably can.

This e-book will outline to you exactly what you need to consider to establish if you have actually got a chance of getting pregnant naturally, how to increase the chances of getting pregnant naturally and when it’s best to pursue other options.

Delivering the FACTS on Fertility for the Over 40’s.

This book contains all the information I wished I had known when I was trying.

This book will:

✓ Deliver facts on natural fertility for the over 40’s from various experts.

✓ Deliver the facts on how to interpret your test results.

✓ Save you a LOT of time in research hours

✓ Take away the confusion from all the conflicting advice.

✓ Save you money by pinpointing the things that will improve your chances of getting pregnant naturally and also outlining the treatments you can do at home yourself.

✓ Deliver a 40 Fertility Planner at the end of the book which summarises all the key information for you and takes away the stress on what you need to do.

I’m so confident in my guide that I offer a 30-day money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied.

Welcome, my name is Gemma McCrae and I’ve been where you are.

Welcome, my name is Gemma McCrae and I’ve been where you are.


40 and not getting pregnant.

I was frustrated. Angry. Upset.

Why can’t I get pregnant?

It’s one of those things that we expect to happen as a rite of passage being a woman.

Then it doesn’t happen and to be honest it can be devastating. 

I also know how vulnerable you are trying to get pregnant and I’m hoping this book and the enclosed 40 Fertility Plan will help you bring clarity.

I’ve interviewed experts in various fields to bring you the facts on what you can do to establish your chances of getting pregnant naturally and increase your chances of becoming pregnant in your 40’s. I also explain clearly what the dreaded fertility tests mean and how to analyse your results properly without the scaremongering.

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What can you expect from this book?

My main objectives in writing this book is to: 

  1. Bring you clarity on the topic of fertility for the over 40’s.
  2. Outline the things you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally over 40.

To compile the book, I’ve taken the information directly from interviews I did with a Fertility Doctor, Acupuncturist, Medical Herbalist, Reflexologist, Nutritionist and an Abdominal Massage Therapist. I also squeezed them for information on what you can do at home yourself to improve your chances.

To take away the stress of compiling a plan, at the end of the book is a 40 Fertility Planner which tells you at a glance what you need to do in priority order.

‘This book and the enclosed ’40 Fertility Plan will help you find the clarity you are looking for





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